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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Space-time as 4-surface in M^4xCP_2.cmap, preferred extremal of Kaehler action contained by cau- sal diamond (CD) analogous to Pen- rose diagram implying analogy with Bohr orbit, there is a hierarchy of space-time sheets which are glued to each other by wormhole contacts,, b) Euclidian regions which can have macroscopic size, can have macroscopic size and could define TGD counterpart of blackhole interior, glued to each other by wormhole contacts, which are space-time regions with Euclidian signature of induced metric, analogy with Bohr orbit meaning that 3-surfaces at the ends of space-time surface fix the space-time surface highly uniquely (apart from symmetries analo- gous to gauge symmetr- ies), SPACE-TIME AS 4-SURFACE IN M^4xCP_2 is identified as preferred extremal of Kaehler action contained by cau- sal diamond (CD) analogous to Pen- rose diagram, SPACE-TIME AS 4-SURFACE IN M^4xCP_2 consists of b) Euclidian regions, a) Minkowskian regions serving as analogs of space-time of general relativity carrying various classical fields, b) Euclidian regions with light-like boundaries having degenerate 4-metric and inter- preted as parton orbits, SPACE-TIME AS 4-SURFACE IN M^4xCP_2 consists of a) Minkowskian regions serving as analogs of space-time of general relativity, glued to each other by wormhole contacts, and whose orbits define space-time regions having interpretation as 4-dimensional "lines" of generalized Feynman diagrams, can have macroscopic size and serve as space-time correlates for objects of arbitrarily large size, SPACE-TIME AS 4-SURFACE IN M^4xCP_2 is topologically non-trivial in all scales, SPACE-TIME AS 4-SURFACE IN M^4xCP_2 is many-sheeted, many-sheeted meaning that there is a hierarchy of space-time sheets